Set the Tone of Generosity with Testimony

“We were fed, spiritually and physically, and left with ideas and enthusiasm, and ready to take action.”

– Jeanine Wang, Stewardship Chair, Court Street UMC, 2018 Participant

Dr. Saul Ebema currently serves as the Senior Pastor of Lombard Bible Church, a member of the Christian & Missionary Alliance. After fleeing Sudan on a harrowing journey to South Africa, Saul attended the Baptist Convention College in Soweto and received his undergraduate degree. Saul came to the United States after receiving a presidential scholarship in 2005 to attend Northern Seminary. He graduated with both Masters of Divinity and Doctorate in Ministry degrees. Pastor Saul lives in Lombard with his family and loves to play soccer.

Generosity in churches flows from a culture of being in mission together and feeling part of something bigger than yourself, but often local church cultures are held back by distractions and a lack of hope. Dr. Saul Ebema named some of the obstacles to help us overcome them and move on in our churches to change and action! (Download MP3)

Setting Specific Tones of Generosity

Setting the Tone through “Fun?”Raising for Youth Ministry (Download MP3)
Hattie Koher, Director of Youth Ministry, First UMC of La Grange
Setting the Tone through MBWA (“Ministry by Walking Around”) for Outreach (Download MP3)
Rev. Robert Biekman, Maple Park UMC, Chicago

Information from previous Stewardship Summits: