(please complete the ANONYMOUS “Share the Stimulus” survey here)

If you have received or will receive stimulus money, ask yourself this question:

“What good can I / we do with this money?”


Use this opportunity to express your generosity by supporting the causes you believe in, the causes that make your spiritual heart pump with passion for changed lives!


Are you sharing the stimulus?

If you are sharing the stimulus, please complete this ANONYMOUS survey for each organization or person (named by relationship role, like “sister” or “friend”) receiving your shared stimulus. I will aggregate the results on this page and share stories and thoughts by those of you who choose to provide testimony about the importance of generosity, either anonymously or by self-identifying.

Who is pumping your generous hearts with passion for changed lives?

(click image to complete survey)

This time, as a family, we considered what organizations we would like to support. We each decided to give our individual one-third of the most recent stimulus to organizations changing their corner of the world.

Thank you for your generosity and for sharing what you are passionate about.

Be safe and sound and be blessed in the New Year,



A handful of respondents have joined me in completing the survey. Rounded to the nearest 10%, the average amount of the stimulus given to each of the following recipients was 33%.

Local churches:

Organizations affiliated with the United Methodist Church:

Human Flourishing (economic development, education, health, social issues advocacy):

Organizations supporting people experiencing economic and social dislocation:

Public Institutions:

Family and friends:

  • sister and nephew
  • sister