Quantitative Sustainable Portfolios

Put the best of the markets to work for your church.


Aligning Investments with Sustainable Priorities

Each portfolio contains a subset of the constituents of a major market index and is designed to mimic the portfolio characteristics of the index as a whole.

Beginning 2018 the Foundation’s fund models contain four Quantitative Sustainable Portfolios to diversify exposure to a wide-range of companies:

  • Quantitative Portfolio: Sustainable Large Cap Core Portfolio
  • Quantitative Portfolio: Sustainable Small Cap Core Portfolio
  • Quantitative Portfolio: Sustainable International ADR Portfolio
  • Quantitative Portfolio: Sustainable Emerging Markets ADR Portfolio

Additionally, each fund model contains three more portfolios for exposure to a wide-rage of fixed income (bonds): intermediate, short-term, and foreign.

Graphics and methodology description: ©2018 Envestnet | PMC. All rights reserved.

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